By making an appointment with REV Sports Massage (Edinburgh), you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Terms & Conditions

Our Services & Disclaimer

  • You understand that your massage therapist is a qualified and insured Level 3 Sports Massage Therapist (ActiveIQ & ITEC). They are NOT a physiotherapist or sports therapist. Your therapist has also studied Swedish Massage and continues to study massage and related therapeutic modalities. Treatment plans incorporating these modalities will be agreed before the start of a session. A client may always request a change to the treatment during a session via verbal request.

  • Clients must be at least 18 years of age to book and attend an appointment.

  • The therapist is happy to adjust pressure, temperature, music volume, work longer on an area, move on or skip an area if/when a client requests it.

  • Clients should bring shorts or underwear, which should easily slide if their treatment is on the legs. Please do not wear tight compression shorts/trunks as they will limit treatment of hamstrings and quadriceps. The client will always be modestly draped. The therapist will discuss with them options for clothing and draping based on the treatment plan for the session. Overtly inappropriate clothing, such as jock straps or other sexually provocative attire, is not permitted.

  • Treatment plans will be mutually agreed before sessions and the client has the power to provide feedback, to request changes and/or to stop the treatment at any time. To do this, the client must speak up and speak clearly. Non-verbal cues are not sufficient.

  • The discussion between the massage therapist and the client is confidential. (In cases where the client and massage therapist share mutual friends, the client should take care to clarify if they’d like specific topics to remain confidential.) The client may or may not choose to talk during the massage. With the exception of providing feedback when requested by the therapist, clients are welcome to enjoy silence as part of the treatment.

  • Massage therapy and bodywork can be practised in a variety of forms, but none of these is is a substitute for professional medical care or mental health counseling. Your massage therapist cannot diagnose or prescribe medication or medical treatment. Do not tell anyone that your massage therapist has diagnosed you with a condition or confirmed that you have a specific condition – this is irresponsible and could lead your friends, family, teammates and/or colleagues not seeking necessary medical care.

  • Both clients and therapist are expected to maintain a high level of personal hygiene. Toilet and sink are available at our location, but showers are not, so please plan accordingly.

  • It is the client’s duty to provide accurate and honest medical information and to keep us apprised of any material changes, including but not limited to injuries, chronic/ongoing medical conditions, medications, and allergies or intolerances. Clients should also report if they have any concerns about receiving massage therapy, even if they don’t have a specific change in their medical condition that contraindicates massage.

  • The therapist may decline treatment to any area of the body with reasonable cause, especially if they feel there is a risk to their own health and safety (e.g. contagious dermatological condition).

Inappropriate Behaviour

  • You agree to respect the owner / therapist as:

    • An independent small business owner

    • A professional

    • A person

  • Should any client be considered to use inappropriate behaviour towards the owner / therapist, they will be asked to leave immediately and no refund will be issued. This applies to requests for sexual favours or behaviour that intimidates or embarrasses the therapist. Future appointments will be cancelled and request for future appointments declined.

  • If the therapist feels a different therapist, therapeutic modality or approach to treatment may better suit the client (e.g. counseling / psychotherapy, physiotherapy) they may decline current or future treatment.


  • Our booking system (Timely) takes card details when making an appointment, but does NOT charge the card at that time. At the appointment, a client may choose to pay via this card on file or to use another card, cash (exact change), or BACS transfer.

  • Individual appointments are paid at the appointment. While we do accept credit/debit cards, sometimes technology does not work as expected and we ask that you be prepared to pay via BACS transfer or cash as an alternative.

  • Gift vouchers are pre-paid and do not require payment at the session.

  • Clients must complete an in-take form at their first appointment. Should their medical details or emergency contact change, it is their responsibility to inform the therapist and request to complete a new in-take form. Clients will be asked to update their intake forms every 6-12 months.

Pricing, Offers/Discounts, Packages and Vouchers

  • Offers/discounts cannot be combined. If you have questions about the price of your appointment, please contact us more than 12 hours in advance of treatment to clarify.

  • Multi-session packages may not be combined with other offers/discounts.

  • Vouchers will be honoured before their expiry for the service they correspond to, even if pricing has changed. In other words, if a 60-minute massage voucher was purchased for £60 but then the price of that service increased to £62.50, the voucher will still cover the service and no additional charge will be due.

Cancellations, Rescheduling and Late Arrivals

  • Should your therapist be unable to attend your appointment, they will inform you at the earliest possible time. You will be given the option to reschedule your appointment or to cancel the appointment. There will be no charge for a cancellation in this circumstance.

  • We require 12 hrs notice if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. As an appointment-based business, it is essential that clients respect our time and understand that even in unfortunate circumstances (illness, emergencies), respecting our business means compensating us for time we have booked for you. If an appointment is cancelled less than 12 hrs beforehand, 50% payment will be taken (via card provided when booking). This policy is also incorporated into our booking system — there is no excuse for claiming you were unaware of it.

  • Late arrivals may keep their appointments so long as 45 minutes remain of their original appointment. Only the time that has been booked is available – the therapist cannot make up lost time at the end of the scheduled appointment. If less than 45 minutes remains of the original appointment and the client has not arrived, the appointment will be considered a “no show” and full payment will be due.

  • No-show appointments, with the exception of genuine emergencies, are disrespectful and demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to book an appointment with a business. Our booking system sends reminder emails and text messages, so clients have ample opportunity to plan ahead and to notify us if they need to reschedule or cancel. In the event of a no-show appointment, full payment will be taken via the card on file.

Privacy and Confidentiality

  • All client information and records will be safeguarded by REV Sports Massage to remain confidential. We will not share, sell or distribute any of the information you provide us without your consent unless where required to do so by law.

  • Client information is stored in our booking system (Timely), email marketing (MailChimp), and in a password protected Google Forms account.

  • Consultations and treatment details will not be discussed with anyone other than the client without their express written permission via letter, email, or text/direct message.

  • We secure personal data in password-protected digital systems that are, to the best of our knowledge, GDPR compliant. We will retain your data for as long as required by law.

  • Clients may request their information be removed from our system by emailing with the subject “REMOVE MY INFORMATION”. We will remove your information within 30 days of your request.